Maintaining An Alkaline pH is Key to Preventing Disease

Last Updated 12/16/2021

As a Board Certified Doctor of Natural Medicine I teach that the first step on our journey to optimal health is restoring an alkaline terrain. One of the highest priorities of our bodies is to maintain our cellular health and to do that we need to make sure that the alkalinity throughout our body remains at a level that supports the health and vitality of our cells.

Our bodies used to be able to maintain a healthy ratio between acid and alkaline but due to the overwhelming amount of environmental toxins we encounter daily our bodies now need some additional support.


What does pH balance mean?

The initials pH stand for Potential of Hydrogen. A neutral pH is 7, Acids have a pH value below 7 and alkalis have a pH above 7. We want to maintain a healthy balance somewhere around a level of 7; not too acidic, not too alkaline.

If our pH is not balanced and for instance is too acidic, our cells could become toxic and sluggish and will no longer operate at an optimal level to detox our body from harmful waste. As such, our cells could die or allow disease to grow and fester.

The American diet is based on convenience so food comes to us already preserved and prepared typically in a box, package or can. We under consume water and overconsume caffeine and sugar. Prepackaged foods are high in saturated fats and sugar and these foods, including coffee are acid-forming foods and cause our bodies to fall out of balance.   


The top ways to maintain a healthy pH balance is with our food and drink choices.


The number one way to maintain a healthy pH balance (after making sure we are properly hydrated with fresh water) is to eat more living foods. Living foods are mostly organic, mostly green and have a high-water content.


Top Living Foods to Consume 

·        Broccoli Sprouts

·        Wheatgrass

·        Green leafy vegetables

·        Kale

·        Spinach

·        Celery 


The goal is to eat more alkaline foods and less acidic foods. I suggest starting by eliminating one or two foods that are acidic. Then add foods to your diet that are alkaline. Changing eating habits slowly will lead to more sustainable and lasting change.


Alkaline Foods Vs. Acidic Foods


Alkaline Foods

·        Brown or Wild Rice

·        Quinoa, Millet or Farro

·        Bean Sprouts

·        Fresh Raw Vegetables

·        Onions

·        Garlic

·        Broccoli

·        Carrots

·        Kale

·        Beets

·        Celery

·        Cucumbers

·        Radish

·        Raw Fruit

·        Raw Nuts

·        Fresh Juice

·        Lemon Water

·        Extra Virgin Olive Oil



Acidic Foods

·        White Rice, Bread and Flour, Pasta

·        Crackers

·        Canned Beans

·        Frozen Vegetables

·        Roasted Vegetables

·        Roasted Nuts

·        Coffee

·        Alcohol

·        Sugary Drinks

·        Fried Oil

·        Dairy Milk

·        Butter

·        Cheese

·        Red Meat

·        White Sugar

·        Prepackaged Pastries


For my clients I suggest an 80/20 non diet lifestyle. 80% of the time you are choosing to consume food that is alive, full of minerals, nutrients and water and 20% of the time you are consuming food that is feeding your soul. The 20% of food that is comforting to you. We want to maintain alkalinity and we want to maintain the joy and passion in our lives. So, that 20% is equally important to our optimum health. 

 Sometimes supplementation is necessary when just starting out with these new healthy lifestyle changes.

 My top Supplement Suggestions to Support an Alkaline Terrain

·        Apple cider vinegar

·        Essential minerals like Humic and Fulvic

·        Wheatgrass Supplement

·        Superfood green supplement

 There are also pH strips which you can use daily to measure your pH level. Balancing your pH takes time but is well worth the effort for a life filled with energy and longevity.

 An alkaline terrain can protect against disease, lead to weight loss, boost your energy, and enhance mental clarity. When nutrients of alkaline foods get into your bloodstream, every cell in your body will be recreated and regenerated.

 If you’re suffering from chronic fatigue, low energy, or poor sleep, a balanced pH may be the missing key to help get you back on track. Book your Free Health Consultation with Dr. Peter Amato to learn more about holistic options for more energy, clarity and restful sleep. 


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